Critical Mental Health Forum

19th November 2003 Meeting Minutes

  1. Update from previous events
  2. Stop the NHS cover-ups: Apparently there was a good turn out and the event was a success.

  3. Advertised events
  4. 22/11/03 – Institute of Ideas (contact David Harper or see Timeout for details)

    ‘Therapy Culture’, Frank Furedi.

    22/11/03 13.00 Diorama Arts Centre

    ‘Hearing voices group’

    19/12/03 12.30pm Dept of Health, 40 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2

    ‘Feedback from the World Federation for Mental Health Conference in Melbourne’

  5. Announcements
  6. There is funding available for service-users to train service providers in their experiences and survival techniques. This funding needs to be used a.s.a.p. See contact for details.

    Up and coming events: ‘No Name’ Dance performance at the Diorama Arts Centre, highly recommended.

  7. Talk from Jim Read from the Mental Health Foundation
  8. ‘Thinking about a drug free future for mental health services.’

  9. January Meeting (21/11/04)

Ideas for the location of the next meeting were discussed; possibilities include St. Augustine’s, Bloomsbury Pubs.

Janet agreed to look into the possibilities and consider long term options. She will be in contact with Dave about the January Forum.

Next Speaker: Nelsy, ‘Spirituality in Mental Health.’